
So You Think You Can Dance

These are some pictures from SYTYCD season 7 tour when I went to their opening performance this year in New Orleans. I started watching SYTYCD beginning with season 4 on T.V, and when I found out they went on tour afterwards, I knew, as an inspired dancer, that I would have to go. I have been to all three of the tours since then. The experience of watching these dancers who are the BEST of the best was incredible, but actually meeting them made this experience priceless. I still stand by my word that going to see them on tour is one of the most worth-while events I have ever been to and one of the highlights of my year. :)

Best for Last.


  1. love these pictures! kent, allison, and kathryn are my favorites! :)

  2. Thanks girl. Robert is my favorite, but I love all of them! They're so extremely talented. ahhhh. (:
