
Sophistication Inspiration

For those of you who know me, you know I am on the homestretch of getting my degree in fashion merchandising; and for those of you who don't, I know what you're thinking:"It's only fashion. How hard could it really be?" Well it is. To put it simply, it's basically a specialty business degree and there's a lot more than just pairing the right shoes with the perfect clutch. We've learned the ins and outs of buying and retailing and don't even get us started on building a store from the ground up. We've got enough material to develop an entire shopping mall (or open-air mall or power center or outlet mall...or whichever you prefer).
That being said, we've worked really hard to get to this point, and now we're all parting ways for our internships (shout out to my homegirls going to NYC!!)

I am soooo excited and proud of myself and my graduating class for making it this far. I couldn't think of a better representation of this last semester (suits and ties included) than these photos I took of Karolina. We may be stepping out into the scary world of business, but we will always do it in style.

Here's to putting our best oxford forward and to remembering "tight, low, short, no".

We're almost there guys!

x x x

my Karolina muse.
check out her blog. http://addictionfixbyk.blogspot.com/

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